Level 2 Pistol

Grip, Stance, Sight Alignment, Sight Picture, Trigger Squeeze, Follow Through… This class is for those who have some working knowledge of firearms but have only limited pistol skills. Students will learn the “5 Basic Tenants of Firearms Safety,” how to draw their firearm from a holster, proper stance, grip, sight alignment, sight picture, trigger control [...]


Introduction to Long Range Shooting CLASS IS FULL

Southwest Iowa Sportsmen Club 22869 Jamett Rd, Glenwood, IA, United States

This class is for students who want to improve their rifle-shooting skills at longer ranges. Students will learn the following (and more): Basics of Internal, External, and Terminal Ballistics Your bullet’s Ballistic Coefficient and what it means Proper rifle setup for maximum accuracy Scope usage Body positioning, grip, and trigger manipulation Creating D.O.P.E. (Data On [...]


Introduction to Long Range Shooting

This class is for students who want to improve their rifle-shooting skills at longer ranges. Students will learn the following (and more): Basics of Internal, External, and Terminal Ballistics Your [...]

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