Intro to Long Range Rifle (December 2022)

Ram Master Training Facility Glenwood, IA, United States

This class is for students who want to improve their rifle-shooting skills at longer ranges. Students will learn the following (and more): Basics of Internal, External, and Terminal Ballistics Your bullet’s Ballistic Coefficient and what it means Proper rifle setup for maximum accuracy Scope usage Body positioning, grip, and trigger manipulation Creating D.O.P.E. (Data On [...]


S.A.P.S. Presentation Thursday March 2, 2023

Omaha Police Union Hall 13445 Cryer Ave, Omaha, Nebraska

Ram Master Training is offering a S.A.P.S.  Presentation Thursday March 2nd, 2023 from 630pm-8pm at the Omaha Police Officers Association Hall located at 13445 Cryer Ave, Omaha, NE 68144 Register now as seating is limited.  It is recommended that the parent(s) of the young adult come to the presentation with their young adult so they [...]


Level 1: Introduction to Pistol (April 8th, 2023)

Ram Master Training Facility Glenwood, IA, United States

This class is for those who have little to no working knowledge of firearms and/or how to shoot them properly. This class will teach students who have never fired a gun how to properly (and safely) handle a pistol.


Level 1 Skill Builder (reps) (April 8th, 2023)

Ram Master Training Facility Glenwood, IA, United States

This class is for those who have completed Level 1 but need more "Rounds Down Range"  as a confidence builder before moving on to the next level.  Or if is has simply been a while since you completed level 1, we will knock off the rust before we move to level 2. Students be reminded [...]


Level 1 Pistol April 8th, 2023

This class is for those who have little to no working knowledge of firearms and/or how to shoot them properly. This class will teach students who have never fired a gun how to properly (and safely) handle a pistol. Students will learn the “5 Basic Tenants of Firearms Safety,” the parts of a firearm, the [...]



This class is for those who have completed Level 1 but need more "Rounds Down Range"  as a confidence builder before moving on to the next level.  Or if is has simply been a while since you completed level 1, we will knock off the rust before we move to level 2. Students be reminded [...]


Level 2 Pistol

Ram Master Training Facility Glenwood, IA, United States

Grip, Stance, Sight Alignment, Sight Picture, Trigger Squeeze, Follow Through… This class is for those who have some working knowledge of firearms but have only limited pistol skills. Students will learn the “5 Basic Tenants of Firearms Safety,” how to draw their firearm from a holster, proper stance, grip, sight alignment, sight picture, trigger control [...]


Level 1 Pistol

Sunday October 15th, 2023 12 noon.   This class is for those who have little to no working knowledge of firearms and/or how to shoot them properly. This class will teach students who have never fired a gun how to properly (and safely) handle a pistol.  The first hour is classroom only. Students will learn [...]


Level 2 Pistol

Sunday October 15th, 2023, 3pm - 5pm  $125   Grip, Stance, Sight Alignment, Sight Picture, Trigger Squeeze, Follow Through… This class is for those who have some working knowledge of firearms but have only limited pistol skills. Students will learn the “5 Basic Tenants of Firearms Safety,” how to draw their firearm from a holster, [...]
